Non-academic activities

This is a page about my other roles and activties.


  • I'm the Co Chair for Student Activities at the Doctoral and Graduate students' Council (DGSC), the Graduate Center student government for 2023 -2024.
    If you are a current student at Graduate Center feel free to message or come say hi!
    Room 5493 | 212.718.7881
    Office hours: Wed 2-4 pm
  • I'm the President of the AWM Chapter at the Graduate Center.
    Room 4217.05
  • I am a CUNY organizer for ENYGMMA , a joint semniar series with Stonybrook, Columbia and NYU.
  • I co-lead the Women in STEM Chartered organization at CUNY. If you are interested in joining our events send me an email.
  • I also run a Weekly Department Tea every Tuesday (3:45 pm onwards, Math Lounge, Grad Center), so feel free to drop by.
    This is made possible via a DGSC grant, learn more on how you can apply for a grant here .

Past organizing

  • I was the Officer for Student Life and Services at the Graduate Center for the academic year 2022-2023. And served on the Steering commitee for the Doctoral and Graduate students' Council (DGSC).
  • I was the student representative for the Mathematics Department.
  • I was the leader of the CUNY Women in STEM Chartered organization for 2022-2023
  • As a part of a fellowship with the library, I developed OER courses.
  • I organized the Graduate student colloquium (Pizza seminar) at the Graduate Center. (2021-2022)
  • I was the coordinator for the Mathematics club at IISER Pune. (2017-2018)
  • I was the Publicity Coordinator for Mimamsa (a national level science and math competition). (2017)


  • Panel discussion on pathway to research career at ANU, Australia (July, 2023)
  • I won the public round category at the CUNY Science Communication Symposium 2023. The objective is to communicate one's research to the general public. Here are my slides Talk 1 Talk 2.
  • Panel discussion on pathway to research career at ANU, Australia (June 22, 2022)
  • Panel discussion: How to get a Phd position? (Instagram live event) (Aug 22, 2021)