About me

Hi! I'm Sayantika. I am a mathematics Phd student at the Graduate Center, CUNY. My advisor is Ara Basmajian. I'm interested in low dimensional topology and geometry. This profile by the Graduate Center can be a fun read if you want to learn random things about me. You can learn more about my research here.

Here's my CV

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Current updates

    This is sadly not always truly current ...
  • I'm the CUNY coordinator of ENYGMMa a seminar to empower gender minority mathematician in NY area. I'm organizing our 8th meeting at the Graduate Center on May 3.
  • I'm the Co-chair for Student Activities for the current academic year (2023-2024) at the DGSC (Doctoral and Graduate Student Council)
    If you are a student at Graduate Center and have questions or want to be involved in the student government reach out to me.
  • I'm the President of the AWM chapter at GC and the coordinator for ENYGMMa for the current academic year (2023-2024).
  • I'm teaching Precalculus at Hunter College and Math 2003 at Baruch College for Spring 2024.
  • If you want to find out where you can potentially meet me soon click here.

More details

This section has further detail about what I do in my research-time as well non-research time.